Progress after Marriage
The line of Saturn-The fate line/ wealth line /destiny line also
called line of Saturn. This line indicates about the wealth /money/prosperity of
a person, it also indicates their success in business or employment and all
worldly success is concern from this line. It is called Saturn line because it
goes towards the mount of Saturn.
The line of fate may originate from the different
areas on different hands, as well as start from different lines, it may arise from
the line of life, the wrist, the mount of Luna, the line of head and the line
of heart...etc.
Intense desire for wealth, no desire for
wealth and a weak desire for money and all these are indicated by this line.
If the line of fate is clear, deep, strong and faultlessness, it indicate person will enjoys excellent health, wealth and prosperity.
A defective line of Saturn is indicating that
person may be unfortunate.
If the line of fate is absent it indicates that person
will have to work hard to achieve success and prosperity. He will be self made,
not get any support from his brothers and relatives
If the line of Saturn starts from the mount of Venus
and it cutting the life line and goes up to the mount of Saturn-It indicates that the time where this line cuts the
life line, he will have to face many obstacles and difficulties in life during
that period. Also indicate that person will get success and prosperity after
marriage. It indicates that the person was burdened with
family responsibilities in the earlier part of his life. When the fate line
intersects the life line and goes towards the mount of Saturn, the person is free
from family responsibilities and thinks about his own progress.
A line of Saturn emanating from the plain of mars
indicate good fortune during youth.