How is your love life?Know it from the length of your thumb

How is your love life?Know it from the length of your thumb

A person with this type of thumb definitely mature his/her relationship or years of dating into marriage.How is your love life.. Know it from the length of your thumb.The thumb is the most important part in palmistry. Without it, the analysis of the hand cannot be complete. 

How is your love life?Know it from the length of your thumb

We all know palmistry is the best and interesting source to know about future, it is very easy to learn and understand .Each and every minor to minor lines on the palm is predict about the person. 

Lines on our hand (palms), fingers and thumb can reveal lots of things about the person –like his/her personality, character, nature and also predict future.

You know that, everyone have different shape and size of hands, length of fingers and thumb also have different dimensions. (Size, length)

As you all know that lines on the hand predict lots of things about a person. Fingers and thumb also predicts many things about the person.

But today I will tell you many interesting and amazing things about the Thumb and how Thumb on hand can predict whole life journey of a person.

Here you will know! How thumb on the hand can reveal about a person’s love life. How

 thumb is play  important role  to predict future of a person?

Let us now look at the thumb. 

How thumb on the hand can reveal about a person’s love life

The thumb is the most important part in palmistry. Without it, the analysis of the hand cannot be complete.

What type of thumb you have, long or short thumb?

Now let s consider about the length of the thumb,

 How to identify which one is short thumb and which one is long thumb or what is the normal length of thumb?

When you see, your thumb it look like  a normal finger only but it is most dominant  finger of hand, which help us to hold things properly. 

Without it fingers are enable to grasp anything .It reveals the mystery of whole life. Usually thumb is little shorter then fingers (in length).

A thumb which extends to the middle of the third phalange of the index finger is considered to be of normal length of thumb. A thumb of a normal length shows a normal development of the brain.

 If it touch the middle eye of index finger or it cross the third phalange of index finger than it is considered as long thumb, the larger the thumb, the greater the degree of success.

And if it is below the half of the third phalange of index finger than it consider as short thumb.

A short thumb indicates incomplete development of the brain, person with a short thumb

 act instinctively. Person with a small thumb will get more   success in business or may be

 business tycoon and other auspicious sign must be present on the palm People with short thumbs

 have no strong will power and he might be stubborn, though often for no relevant reason

How the length of thumb is linked to the way  person  behave, when person is  in relationship and in love with anyone.

will power and logic power of thumb

Thumb analysis-

Thumb started before the mount of Venus, or we can say under the thumb mount of Venus .every finger

 has its own mount, but  thumb don’t have any mount like finger, thumb doesn’t exist any quality of

 mount of Venus.

The thumb is the most important part in palmistry. Without it, the palmistry is incomplete.

Phalanges and knots on the thumb-

Significance of the three great powers that rule the world - love, logic and will.

Thumb has been divided into three main arts-

1. The first or nail phalange denotes will power.

2. The second phalange, logic power.

3. The third, which is the boundary of the mount of Venus, love.

The mount of Venus is present at the base of Thumb. The mount of Venus indicates the emotions,

 sympathy degree of love, sexuality and vital force a person possesses. 

The thumb is the most important in every sense.

Let me explain- the thumb is mainly divided into two sections-

1. First phalange-the upper part of thumb that has the nail and rest part is lower part.

 Two lines here on thumb divide it into two sections, 

first phalange and second phalange, the thumb has two phalanges only. The upper part, which is connected to the nail, is indicative of will power.

 It is important to have will power to do something. Will power is the main characteristic which helps

 our qualities to come out.

 Suppose a person has excellent/good lines in his/her palm-his/her heart line head line and fate line are

 very good, but if his/her will power, as indicated by a very small or undeveloped first phalange, then all these excellent lines are useless.

The first phalange is greater than the second phalange of thumb-

If the first phalange of thumb is greater than second phalange- It indicates person is extraordinarily trustworthy, not thus romantic and sometime can be a little emotional.

  If talk about relationship. When you are in a relation you are very trustworthy to your partner and you are keen on them with all your heart.

Unfortunately, you are very passionate nature are often quite overwhelming for your partner if you don’t give them the space they require, there’s nothing wrong in loving your partner, however it will comes across as needy and overprotective there need to be a balance for the relationship to last long.

 People are going to be open up easily and very honest with the people you meet you are positively the person anyone would like to be around!


2. Second phalange- We shall now look at the lower part (logic part) of thumb, indicative of logic power, it is the second phalange. 

It indicates logic, and the second of his capacity for thought and analysis, -if we do

 something and there is a good thought and intention behind the action, or if a lot of thought

 and planning goes into the action, then the will power take the action in the right direction.

 First phalange is smaller than the second phalange- If the first phalange of the thumb is smaller

 than second phalange, then you are honest and reliable you are tend to regulate  your emotions .

 Person will think logically and make all decision with his head instead of his heart. A person also an

 observer and take time to consider before action. All great traits of a person who wants to be achieve success but how will this have an effect on your love life


This type of behavior will have its drawback too. However observant will have its downfall too. It will

 cause you to question yourself before diving into a relationship and you could miss out on some nice

 possibilities with great people. This will become frustrating for your partner who thinks could also be

 its time to move in after years of dating. If you are throughout a relationship or not you will be able to

 use this as a guide to create your relationship better and long lasting.

3. Both phalanges of thumb are equal (will power and logic power)-

Someone with first and second phalanges of the same length will possess an equal quantity

 of logic and will power. He or she will be able to come up with a decent plan and so have

 the required drive and energy to carry it out.

 If both halves of thumb are equal (of same length) then it indicates that person is Calm and

 level headed person. Person will be sensible planner and likes to plan things before act

 hard. Person will manage and complete all tasks and goals on time with comfort/ease.

 What’s the case despite person won’t lose temper stay cool/calm.There is a balance between action and thought.

 Second phalange (logic) is longer than the first (will) in most of people. It shows that there is more logic than will power. Person with this combination will have lots of ideas, but somehow will not get convert into fruitful result.A person thinks more and works /acts less

 They will think, and think, everything is present except the motivation to act.

A person thinks more and works /acts less

Flexibility of the thumb

Thumbs are of two types one is stiff/firm thumb and other flexible thumb.

 If it bends backwards (near to wrist) from the joint it is consider as flexible thumb. Person

 with this type of thumb will be easy-going, positive approach,avoid violence and flexible on most of the situation in the life.

A person with this type of thumb definitely mature his/her relationship or years of dating into marriage

If the thumb is stiff  or straight and it does not bend back at the joint, it is consider as a firm

 thumb. Person with this type of thumb will be reliable, determined,  stubborn and of

 balanced disposition.

In the event that you are in relationship with a firm hand, you will
get succeed in love and would resolute obstructions 
 to later achievement.

Discover how you act during a relationship

Yet, you have got an equivalent approach when it comes to relationship as well. Since

 barely show your emotions, feelings or disclose to him/her your love. Your partner has

 tough time getting you and which is frustrating!

You take things moderate, emotionally and actually .you don’t care for a great deal of

 show and lean towards when everything is consistent, which confuses your partner.

 Tell your partner how you feel about them every now and then, it will help a lot!


In short, the size of the both phalanges of thumb should be complementing each other, if they are in proportion, then they will balance the lines (bad lines) of the palm very well.

 A rough skin and a bright red palm indicate that the person is of awfully angry temperament.

But if his will power and logic are extremely balanced, his anger may be channelized into professions just like- the police or defense service, wherever his anger may be very helpful. The anger is transformed into patience.


It is the thumb that is responsible for this, therefore thumb is very important to study

 properly. Only after all the characteristics in the palm lines are justified by the thumb, we

 should venture to give our opinion. If you see someone having an excellent head line, but if

 there is a problem in the logic part of the thumb, the head line will not have as much

 intelligence as it seems to show.

Now you all understand why these two phalanges of thumb are important, for instance, you see a palm in which there are too many negative signs and however, the part of the thumb is excellent and well developed and then the person is capable of doing many things in life.


In the same way -if the head line and crooked/ not so good, but if the logic and will power are both good, then even a crooked or imperfect head line will show reasonably good results in life.

 So after properly checking the two thumb phalanges and after justifying the traits against them, only after doing that much,  endeavor to give your interpretation. 

So in order to interpret only one line, we should initially consider the rest of the characteristics before coming to any end results.


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