Travel lines-indicate any
possibility of travel in the coming future. The purpose of travel may be for
employment, business, and pleasure. The Lines of traveling- Travelling lines are present on the palm at a different region of the palm which obligates a person to go on travels and get success by means of traveling.
Origin of travel lines-
Traveling lines are present
on the mount of the moon-
Two or three horizontal lines, coming from the percussion of the mount of Moon
and reached on the moon mount.
Two or three vertical coming from the wrist and reached on the mount of the moon.
Lines emanating from the line of life reached on the mount of moon.
Significance of Travel lines-
The purpose of determining travels and voyages from the line of the hands.
Deep and long travel lines
indicate long voyages /journeys whereas short and swallow lines show short travel or travel within the country.
Signs on the travel line-
There are many signs are
present on the palm, but their position is important in predication.